Questions that lead to greater faith....

I am writing this blog as I sit in our "blue room" in our home on 29th St. As I type this, I am hosting an "open house" for our home which went on the market last Sunday. Our home went on the market last Sunday? I have asked myself and Cindy that question so many times the past few days as we have begun to walk out this new journey that God has us on. I find myself asking all kinds of questions... I have been asking myself: when will the house sell? when will we move? where will we live? how will things transition with our high school ministry? what will it be like living somewhere else? how will our kids handle everything? how will we handle everything? how is this church plant going to get started? what people will be involved? You get the idea. That is just the surface of how many questions are running through our minds right now. And the funny thing is, there seems to be only one answer for us right now..."follow me".

Cindy and I were talking last night with some of you and sharing how there has never been a time in our lives where we truly had to depend on God for TODAY. It's not that we are in a desperate situation, it's that we are so used to understanding what today, tomorrow, and even the next day might look like. The reality is, we have entered into a dimension of faith and growth in the past few weeks that is stretching us beyond anything we have been used to in the past. At times, I resent this position and want to give it up, but I also know that without this position, I (we) will not move forward and grow to depend on the one who holds the world in his hands...Jesus Christ! So with that thought, I sit here waiting TODAY in the "blue room" waiting for a potential buyer to come tour our home, moving us to the next step in this journey. I can't help but think of how the disciples must have felt when Christ first called them.

In Mark 1:16-18 the text says, "16 As Jesus walked beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen. 17 “Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will make you fishers of men.” 18 At once they left their nets and followed him."

We are all familiar with this story, but has this become OUR story? You see, I think we know human nature well enough to say that those simple fisherman had a lot of questions. Maybe they went something like this: where is he leading us? how will we live? what about our families and our work? can we really trust him? can I really live up to being his disciple? and why would I want to fish for men? You see they, like us, probably questioned the call to "come, follow me" in so many ways. Yet, something inside of them said "GO" and they did. I find this helpful today as I look ahead with so many questions and the only answer that matters is in front of me..."follow me".

Hope this encourages you and lets you know how you can pray for us as we begin to put one foot in the front of the other and follow, one step at a time, where Jesus is leading us.

In Pursuit,

*I have toured one really interested person today and who knows....maybe that is all it will take when it is in God's hands!

posted by Brian @ 2:20 PM,


At April 22, 2007 12:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What encourages me is the disciples response to Jesus' call, "At once they left their nets and followed him." - Mark 1:18

It is in their response that this story has become 'yours.' Your family has heard 'follow me,' an amazing experience all its own. More important however, has been your family's response. A response that can only be described as, "they...followed him."

Those lowly, unexpecting fisherman had no idea what God was truly calling them out to. I look forward to the incredible stories that await your family.

Ever Praying For You.



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