Transformation Story and our 30 Day Initiative!


Transformation Story: A new sister in Christ!
Hey, a "God Moment" and Transformation story happened this Saturday (8/30) in the Overflow office/lounge and I wanted to share it with you as an encouragement to know that God is truly at work in and around us right now!

I received a call yesterday from someone who needed some counseling in regards to a new relationship (she has been previously married) and how to work through some of her past. Long story short....she has been attending Overflow for a few months now and had never made a personal decision for Jesus Christ (she was de-churched). She did on Saturday! We were sitting at the tables in the warehouse and she prayed to receive Christ right then and there and I was able to give her a brand new Bible (provided by a mall store--Factor Brand Shoes--whose staff provides a Bible each month for those in need)! God is AWESOME! Be encouraged today that He is at work and is FLOWING here in Benton Harbor/St. Joseph! Praise God for His work and your prayers!

30 Days of Transformation: Our September Initiative!

Overflow is embarking on a 30-day journey as a church that is asking each person that is a part of Overflow to take their next step forward with Christ. We are seeking to create "space" for God to invade and transform our lives in the next 30 days. Please consider joining us in this journey and/or praying for transformation to occur as we seek more of Him individually and corporately this month. We know that as He pours into our lives, transforming us, it will lead to the "overflow" into our community that brings a lasting transformation to this region. Keep us in your prayers and please consider joining us and let me know if you have any questions or need more information.

The 30 Day Brochure is posted below and can be downloaded here.

Enjoy your day and long weekend and thank you for serving Him and praying for His movement among us and being a part of the Overflow "team"!!!

In Pursuit,

Brian and Cindy

posted by Brian @ 8:28 PM,


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