The Power of "Constant" Prayer....

Overflow Friends,

Thank you for your many prayers and for continuing to stay involved in what God is doing here in Benton Harbor/St. Joseph! As a church this year we are focused on "prayer saturation" in all we do and we are continuing to see God move in amazing ways. Recently, we have seen attendance increasing, and more importantly the new families and individuals are truly connecting as they are jumping into Life Groups and other areas of service. We have had a number of people enter into discipleship for the first time and have had a few more decide to enter into a personal relationship with Christ! It is awesome to be a part of what God is doing!

The I3 image above was just shared 2 Sundays ago as we have asked people to identify 5 people that they will do I3 with in 2009: Intercede (pray for them regularly), Invest (spend time loving and serving them), Inviting (share Christ and/or invite to Overflow).

As I was reading in my quiet time this morning I came across Acts 12 and Psalm 3. I would like to just briefly share a couple of thoughts as I think these passage show us what is possible through prayer and hopefully encourage us to continue praying for those in our lives (I3)!

Acts 12:1-4
: Peter is thrown in prison as King Herod attacks and kills individuals in the early church and attempts to make a scene of them during a busy Passover scene in Jerusalem.

Acts 12:5-11: The early church/believers were in "constant prayer" for Peter and God sends an angel to literally walk Peter out of bondage and out of prison! He can still do this today in answering our prayers for friends and family that are still in bondage to sin!

Acts 12:12-17:
: Interesting here as Peter goes to find those that were praying and they do not believe it is Him at first! God answered their prayer, even though, they would have trouble believing it was possible. We know God answers prayer and he does it even when we may not feel it can happen....the point is to persist in "constant prayer" trusting that God will do it in His way and in His timing!

So let's keep praying and know that God will move in our lives! What are you praying for? Share your prayer requests and have our prayer team join you in praying by sending your requests to:

A closing prayer from Psalm 3 (NLT):

O LORD, I have so many enemies;
so many are against me.
2 So many are saying,
“God will never rescue him!”
Interlude ◙
3 But you, O LORD, are a shield around me,
my glory, and the one who lifts my head high.
4 I cried out to the LORD,
and he answered me from his holy mountain.
5 I lay down and slept.
I woke up in safety,
for the LORD was watching over me.
6 I am not afraid of ten thousand enemies
who surround me on every side.
7 Arise, O LORD!
Rescue me, my God!
Slap all my enemies in the face!
Shatter the teeth of the wicked!
8 Victory comes from you, O LORD.
May your blessings rest on your people.

In Pursuit,


posted by Brian @ 6:43 AM,


At February 03, 2009 6:47 PM, Blogger Gwen Jackson said...

Love the progression of the Intercede - Invest - Invite. Great to read what God is doing through Overflow!


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