Who is writing your story? (7/17/07)

So I had one of those days today that was pretty typical in most ways until this evening. You see, tonight a skunk and a rabbit visited our family in our back yard. Yes, a skunk and a rabbit decided to descend on our back yard to play what appeared to be a game of tag for 15 minutes as they slowly chased each other around Hannah’s small kiddy pool. Finally, after the skunk had enough, it sprayed the rabbit. The party ended as they both fled our yard, leaving behind the wonderful aroma of a night we won’t soon forget.

So what does that have to do with my post tonight? Honestly, not a whole lot other than I thought that was a really cool and unique story to share. And that is precisely the thought that has led to this blog tonight. You see, shortly before our fun with the skunk and the rabbit, I had become pretty frustrated with our house having not sold yet and was asking God “what is going on?” Right at that moment I had one of those thoughts that I knew was not my own and it was simply this…”will you let me write your story?”

The question has been with me all night and has continued to remind me that too often we tend to take control of our story and to do what makes sense, seems easier, or keeps things within our ability to control it. There are so many times I have done this in my life that I cannot even begin to tell you, but there have been a few times where I have given God the space to speak and lead the story that He had chosen for myself and my family. Tonight is one of those nights. You see, as weird as tonight was with our little visitors, it is a night that we could not have created or controlled and in the same way I believe God wants us to live our lives in a way that we could not have created or controlled. That instead, we live in such a way that God writes our story and our life unfolds in such a unique and creative way that people take notice and are able to say…”that had to be God that did that”.

This reminds me of Christ’s teaching and His life. Remember, Jesus was the one who said, "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me” (Matthew 16:24). After teaching this to His disciples, He then went on to the garden of Gethsemane and saw these words lived out as He faced the unfolding of God’s story in His earthly life “My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will."

So tonight I have decided once again to turn over my story to God and to remember that He is the one that is orchestrating His plan and purpose in our lives (Romans 8:28).

So who is writing your story as you read this? May we all continue in each and every area to say, “Yet not as I will, but as you will.” As we do that, I pray that God blesses each of us with unique experiences (hopefully yours doesn’t involve a skunk, though) and opportunities to see His kingdom expand.

Thanks for your continued prayers and support…we are so thankful for each of you.

In Pursuit,


posted by Brian @ 11:56 PM,


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