Wild Ride

Hi everyone! Cindy here. I want to briefly share with you what's been going on with Overflow since our move to the BH/SJ area a few weeks ago.

The last week of October we visited a 160-unit apartment complex and personally invited each family to the Orchard's Mall BooFest on October 31st. Overflow and the mall donated dial-a-ride transportation FREE to all families from this complex. While going from door-to-door offering the invitations, a group of little girls followed closely behind with big grins and big giggles. Each of them asked for a flyer and a church business card. It was too cute! I asked them if they wanted to help us out and with big eyes and big grins, they exclaimed, "YES!" It was very cool. Fast forward... the BooFest turned out to be an awesome event. We passed out candy at the office and had a ton of little ones come through. We met many families that night. The mall had a handful of events set up for the children, including a cookie assembly line. They had 750 cookies and ran out! It was an amazing night of bringing light into darkness. (BooFest photo below)
The Overflow Office & Lounge has turned out to be an amazing ministry space. Mall walkers, mall employees, shoppers, and precious little ones are drawn to this place. We've been told, "this place is just so peaceful". Twice, Brian had to wake up a store manager who had fallen asleep on the couch while taking a work break. There is a homeless man who comes in almost weekly and enjoys a hot cup of coffee. He came in recently and told everyone that it was his birthday.
This made my week!
Our Grand Opening took place last week and it was amazing. Many people came through the door to meet Brian and enjoy a cupcake or two. A huge THANKS to Mary Thomas who baked over 100 cupcakes (probably more like 150+) for the grand opening! Thank you to Kathleen Brecht who brought the juice!

The cupcakes were wonderful conversation starters and so simple... they opened doors!
My sister and I, along with our four children, walked through the mall offering cupcakes while Madison, Cathy's 5-year-old, handed out Overflow business cards. Shoppers, children, and staff were extremely receptive and the cupcakes brought smiles to everyone's faces. One shopper stopped us and asked if she could meet the pastor, so we walked her down to the office where Brian prayed for her.

Our Overflow Dessert Vision Party went wonderfully!! Carl & Kathleen Brecht hosted the party at their Benton Harbor Gallery of Fine Art located at 124 Water Street. We met a lot of people and over 90% of the guests were local! The group welcomed us with open arms and one man in particular stated, "I welcome Overflow into my city." What a blessing!
(Dessert Vision Party photo below)

Brian continues to hold a Men's Breakfast every Thursday morning in Stevensville and it is going great! He is really enjoying it. I cannot give you an update as to what they've been conversing about since it's confidential. Shucks!! What I DO know is that I have noticed a change in a few of the men I run into who attend the study.... there is a new hunger for God and peace...(no names since some of you men might be reading this blog). :0)
Cindy just started a Women's "Captivating" study this past Friday at the mall. It was very good. There were 8 women at the first study and we all had a blast sharing our stories. The study takes place weekly on Fridays at 8:30 am at the Overflow Office & Lounge, so if you're local and would like to check it out, you are welcome!
Thank you for your faithful support!!!! Overflow is moving forward because of God and people like you!!!!! Thank you!!! Have a Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

posted by Brian @ 2:44 PM,


At November 20, 2007 10:40 AM, Blogger Sojourner said...

Thanks for the update and pictures! Overflow Rocks the House!!!


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