A GREAT WEEK....new beginnings!

Well, we had a very exciting week last week and I am so thankful for each of you that continues to faithfully pray for God to work in the Benton Harbor/St. Joseph region. Here is a quick snapshot of our week last week in the BHSJ area:

*We started our "Life of Christ" Bible Studies on Wed/Sun night at the Orchards Mall and were blessed with 16 people (from Stevensville, Benton Harbor, & St. Joseph)! We had a great time getting to know each other, studying the birth of Christ, and beginning to process the vision for Overflow as a group/team.

*I started a men's breakfast group on Thursday's at 7am and a handful of men have joined me to begin sharing a meal, studying the workbook "Discipleship Essentials", and sharing life together.

*We were able to start working on our "Office & Lounge" space at the mall and will continue this week to clean, repair, paint, and put in the flooring. Cool story to go with this space: we found out last week that the new community center (where we hold our Bible studies) will be moved right around the corner from our space AND the 1 and only armed services recruiting station in Berrien County will be locating 100 feet from our space. This will give us an awesome opportunity to talk with many men and women as they pass by our space.

So as you can see, last week truly was a week of "new beginnings" and an exciting week as Overflow truly began to unfold in the Benton Harbor/St. Joseph area.

REMINDER: You are invited to join us SUNDAY, SEPT 23 FROM 3-5PM FOR OUR DAY OF PRAYER AND PRAISE EVENT (at the Orchards Mall Community Center in Benton Harbor). This is a foundational day of prayer and worship as we ask God to move mightily in this area.

Please email me (brianbennett121@gmail.com) if you need more information on this event or would like directions.

Thank you again for joining us in this journey and for your prayers and support!

In Pursuit,

Phil 1:21

posted by Brian @ 7:32 PM,


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